January 17, 2011

Today is the 3rd Monday of this month, is a United States Federal Holiday honoring Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. So no works for employees both public and private sectors. As well as there are no classes. If private employees should have to work, then they would have double pay as it is mandated in the law. How time flies by so fast. It was just two years ago at just this day I write my first post about this historical event and then I just realized it is already 2011. Whew! :-) The good this is this is the 25th year (silver celebration) of his commemoration.

So how was your day so far? What do you do? Have you been in a manic Monday? Or just relax and let the day be over and get ready for tomorrow. Well, whatever you are doing, enjoy and have fun for the rest of the day!

Have a great day!


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